
loeffler boiler

What is Loeffler Boiler – Construction, Working with Diagram?

Loeffler Boiler is a forced circulation, high pressure, and water tube boiler with an internally fired furnace. In this boiler, the 2/3 of superheated steam is used to evaporate the water in the evaporating drum, and the remaining 1/3 of the steam from the superheater is used by the turbine. A steam circulating pump is […]

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Locomotive Boiler

What is Locomotive Boiler and How it Works?

Locomotive boiler is a horizontal drum axis, multi-tubular, natural circulation, artificial draft, forced circulation, mobile, medium pressure, solid fuel fired fire tube boiler with an internally fired furnace. It is used in railway locomotive engines and in marine. It is a mobile boiler and has a high steam generation rate. Construction or Main  Parts The

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lamont boiler

What is Lamont Boiler – Main Parts, Working, Advantages and Disadvantages with Diagram?

What is Lamont Boiler? Lamont boiler is a high pressure, forced circulation, water tube boiler with internally fired furnace. An external pump is used to circulate the water within small diameter water tubes of the boiler. This boiler was invented by Walter Douglas La-Mont in the year 1925. At that time this boiler was invented

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Benson Boiler – Construction, Working Principle and Advantages with Diagram

What is Benson Boiler? Benson Boiler is a high pressure, drumless, supercritical, water tube steam boiler with forced circulation. This boiler was invented in the year 1922 by Mark Benson. This boiler is a supercritical boiler in which the feed water is compressed to a supercritical pressure and this prevents the formation of bubbles in

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What is Cochran Boiler – Main Parts, Working, Advantages and Disadvantages

What is a Cochran Boiler? Cochran Boiler is a vertical drum axis, natural circulation, natural draft, low pressure, multi-tubular, solid fuel fired, fire tube boiler with internally fired furnace. It is the modified form of a simple vertical boiler. In this boiler, the fire tubes are placed horizontally. The efficiency of this boiler is much

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babcock and wilcox boiler1

What is Babcock and Wilcox Boiler ? – Complete Explanation

In this article, you will learn about Babcock and Wilcox Boiler- Main parts, working, advantages, and disadvantages with the application. This boiler is generally used to produce high pressure steam, and this high-pressure steam is used to produce electricity in power generation industries. It is also used in the area where high pressure steam is

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Difference Between Fire Tube Boiler and Water Tube Boiler

 The difference between fire tube boiler and water tube boiler can be done on various points. These points include types of fluid flows within the tubes, steam generation rate, floor area required for the steam generation, transportation, efficiency, fluctuating loads, operating cost etc. the knowledge of the difference about these two boilers is very crucial.

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What is Lancashire Boiler Construction, Working with Diagram

A lancashire boiler is a horizontal drum axis, natural circulation, natural draft, two-tubular, low pressure, stationary, fire tube boiler with a furnace located internally. Its main purpose is to create steam and then this steam is used to drive steam turbines for power generation. It has high thermal efficiency and it is about 80 to

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