What are the Melting Points of Metals?


The temperature of the metal at which it changes its phase from solid-state to liquid state is called its melting point. At the melting point, the solid and liquid state of the metal exists in equilibrium. The melting temperature of metal tells us that it will liquefy at that point. For changing the shape of the metals and transform it into new parts, it is melted.

The knowledge of the melting temperature of metals is very crucial in the manufacturing industries. It gives us an idea about how to handle that metal more effectively for the casting process.

melting points of metals

Factors Affecting the Melting Points of Metals

The Force of Attraction:

The melting point is directly proportional to the force of attraction. It means that if the metal has a greater force of attraction between the atoms, its melting point will be higher. And metal with lower force of attraction has lower melting point temperatures.


Impurities present in any metals elevates its melting point. A pure metal free from impurities has low melting points as compared with that metal having impurities in it.

Here is the Chart of melting points of metals in degree celsius and Fahrenheit Scale


Name of Metals

Melting Point

(In Degree Fahrenheit)


Melting Point

(In Degree Celsius)


1. Admiralty Brass 1650-1720 900-940
2. Aluminium 1220 660
3. Aluminum Alloys 865-1240 463-671
4. Aluminum Bronze 1190-1215 600-655
5. Babbitt 480 249
6. Beryllium 2345 1285
7. Beryllium Copper 1587-1750 865-955
8. Bismuth 521 272
9. Brass, Red 1810-1880 990-1025
10. Brass, Yellow 1660-1710 905-932
11. Bronze 1675 913
12. Cadmium 610 321
13. Chromium 3380 1860
14. Cobalt 2723 1495
15. Copper 1983 1084
16. Gold 1945 1063
17. Hastelloy 2410-2460 1320-1350
18. Inconel 2540-2600 1390-1425
19. Incoloy 2540-2600 1390-1425
20. Iron, Wrought 2700-2900 1482-1593
21. Iron, Cast 2060-2200 1127-1204
22. Iron, Ductile 2100 1149
23. Lead 621 328
24. Magnesium 1200 650
25. Magnesium Alloys 660-1200 349-649
26. Manganese 2271 1244
27. Manganese Bronze 1590-1630 865-890
28. Mercury -38 -39
29. Molybdenum 4750 2620
30. Monel 2370-2460 1300-1350
31. Nickel 2647 1453
32. Niobium (Columbium) 4473 2470
33. Palladium 2831 1555
34. Phosphorus 111 44
35. Platinum 3220 1770
36. Rhenium 5767 3186
37. Rhodium 3569 1965
38. Selenium 423 217
39. Silicon 2572 1411
40. Silver, Pure 1761 961
41. Silver, Sterling 1640 893
42. Steel, Carbon 2500-2800 1371-1540
43. Steel, Stainless 2750 1510
44. Tantalum 5400 2980
45. Thorium 3180 1750
46. Tin 449 232
47. Titanium 3040 1670
48. Tungsten 6150 3400
49. Zinc 787 420

Important points

  • Tungsten is the metal that has the highest melting point and it is 3400 Degree Celsius (6150 Degree Fahrenheit).
  • Mercury is the metal that has the lowest melting point and it is -39 degree Celsius (-38 Degree Fahrenheit)

In this article, we have learned about all the melting points of metals in degree Celsius and degree Fahrenheit. I hope you have enjoyed the article and don’t forget to like and share it.

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