Heat Transfer

underfloor heating benefits

The Benefits of Underfloor Heating Compared to Radiators

Did you notice that radiators are now being widely replaced by underfloor heating systems because of increased heating efficiency?  Since the Victorian times, radiators have been used to warm up spaces but now, they are being displaced by radiant underfloor heating as it is eco-friendly and uses less energy compared to traditional radiators. If you […]

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What is Heat Sink And How It is Made?

Today, you’ll hardly find somebody not using an electrical component. All thanks to technological advancements and shifts towards the digital age. Every electronic and electrical component is connected in a circuit operated by a sort of power supply. This leads to the generation of some amount of heat within the element.  Many materials involved in

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Main Parts of Refrigerator

How Refrigerator Works ?- Easiest Explanation

What is a Refrigerator? A refrigerator commonly called as fridge is defined as a machine which is used to maintain or keep the food materials at low temperature and prevents their spoilage. The food materials kept at low temperature spoils or degrade gradually and can remain fresh for longer time. The refrigerator generally keeps the

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