Coal is a type of rock that has the ability to combust. Talking about the composition of coal, it is mainly composed of oxygen and carbon. Due to the high carbon and oxygen, coal is considered as the primary source of energy. Coal formation started more than 200 million years ago. The quality of the coal deposits is found by considering the length of time they have been formed. Coal can be used for many applications and its most famous use is in the generation of electricity. In this article, you will learn about the advantages and disadvantages of coal. So let’s begin…

Advantages of Coal
1. Sustainable and Reliable Energy Source:
Currently, coal is producing 30% of the primary energy all across the world. USA, China, Indonesia, and India are the largest countries where coal is used for the production of electricity.
Compared to other non-renewable sources of energy, coal has a large abundance. Recently, the United States Energy Information Administration has announced that the current storage of coal in the U.S. is capable of generating electricity for the upcoming 190 years. While the coal available in the rest of the world can be used for the next 300 years. So, we have coal availability in the larger amount and it is the energy source on which we can depend easily without any worries.
2. Production of the Jobs:
Coal mines are giving thousands of employees’ jobs on a daily basis. As per the Energy Information Administration, there are 52 coal mines in the United States alone. More than 100,000 thousand people are working in the coal mines. That’s a huge number.
This is just the number in the United States. From this, you can imagine the condition of the rest of the world.
It is estimated that in the upcoming 10 years, there is a need for more than 50,000 people for working in these coal mines. Companies who are hiring employees also pay good money to the employees. Generally, they offer more than $30 per hour to their employees.
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3. Cheap Energy Source:
Coal is cheaper than other fossil fuel resources. But, do you know why it is cheap? Coal extraction is an easier process if it carried out properly.
We can easily store coal by taking proper precautions and it can be also transported without any hassle. Coal mining can be done independently of the weather. So, whether it is rainy condition or summer, energy can be extracted from the coal continuously.
Disadvantages of Coal:
1. Environmental Pollution:
Burning of the coal produces a lot of useful product but on the other side, it also emits carbon dioxide, ash, nitrogen oxide, and sulfuric acid. These gases are very dangerous to human life and for the entire environment. Carbon Dioxide released from the burning of the coal accounts for the additional 65% of the Carbon Dioxide in the environment.
The coal burning has also resulted in the acid rains in some areas of the world which are located near the cold mines. Cutting of the tress is carried out while opening a coal mine.
2. Dangerous to the People Living Near the Mines:
Coal miner’s health is in danger. The inhalation of fumes near the mines can give rise to the various respiratory diseases. While mining, the explosion may occur. Not only coal miners but the people living near those areas are also suffering from many diseases.
You will be amazed to know that one coal mine gets opened almost 50,000 to 130,000 people get displaced.
Coal is a primary source of energy that can be used for many applications but its disadvantages are almost unavoidable. Efforts should be taken to reduce the cons and to make coal more useful.
So, thus we have talked about the advantages as well as disadvantages of the coal. Thanks for checking out this article.