Ignition System

What is a Distributorless Ignition System (DIS)? – Complete Overview

Introduction “Mechanical component shows wear and tear” this theory wakes up an engineer’s mind and forces him to innovate more to achieve an ideal system, Since the moving mechanical components cause wear and tear which we count as a limitation of the component, the questions arise, Can we avoid the use of distributor in an

What is a Distributorless Ignition System (DIS)? – Complete Overview Read More »

What is Electronic Ignition System and How it Works?

Introduction “From a little spark may burst a flame” by Dante Alighieri, Rightly said that a spark is required to start a flame and in an automobile, since there is a conversion of chemical energy (i.e. air-fuel mixture) into mechanical energy i.e. (crankshaft rotation) spark is essential which is responsible for the combustion, but from

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How Does Ignition Distributor Work? – Complete Guide

An ignition Distributor is a mechanical device which is used to transfer the high-voltage current produced by the secondary coil to the correct spark plugs in the correct firing order and in the correct amount of time. It has a mechanically-timed ignition. It was the year 1910 in which the first reliable battery-operated ignition system was developed by Delco (Dayton

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What is Battery Ignition System? – Complete Explanation

What is a Battery Ignition System? Battery Ignition System is used in automobiles to produce a spark in the spark plug for the combustion of fuel in the I.C. engine. Here, the main source of spark generation is the battery. It is mostly used in light commercial vehicles. Almost in every petrol engine, the spark

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What is Magneto Ignition System – Complete Explanation?

A combustion engine which has some vivid characteristics like high speed and high internal compression requires a system that produces very high ignition from the spark plug which is used as the source. The ignition system is the system that uses the spark plug as their source where electrical energy is input given to the

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