Difference between Flywheel and Governor

Difference Between Flywheel and Governor?

Basically, both the flywheel and governor are used to accomplish two different goals that is to regulate fluctuations of energy or to regulate constant speed. In this article, we are going to discuss what’s exactly the difference between flywheel and governor, their applications and functions. Let us first start by knowing what is flywheel? What […]

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types of soldering

What is Difference Between Soldering and Brazing?

Soldering, brazing and welding is the metal joining techniques. Each of them has their own importance. In this article, you will know soldering and brazing techniques and the difference between soldering and brazing. Soldering: Basically, soldering is a process of joining two or more metal pieces by melting and putting a solder into the joint,

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Main Parts of Refrigerator

How Refrigerator Works ?- Easiest Explanation

What is a Refrigerator? A refrigerator commonly called as fridge is defined as a machine which is used to maintain or keep the food materials at low temperature and prevents their spoilage. The food materials kept at low temperature spoils or degrade gradually and can remain fresh for longer time. The refrigerator generally keeps the

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